Hotels and Lodging Facilities
To conduct a hotel or lodging facility project, it is important to understand characteristic technical issues and hotel operation. At Meiho, our highly experienced engineers apply their expertise and know-how to provide services for new construction, reconstruction, renovations, conversion, and repair projects, and support the realization of our clients' construction projects. We also have experience in supporting FFE* and OSE*of furniture, fittings etc. and can provide comprehensive services not only to building owners, but also to hotel operators.
- *FFE: Furniture, Fixture, Equipment
- *OSE: Operating Supplies, Equipment
Major Projects
Hotels and Lodging Facilities City Hotels and Business Hotels
Hotels and Lodging Facilities City Hotels and Business Hotels Projects
Client | Project Summary | Location | Project Scale |
Nippon Hotel Co., Ltd. | Tokyo Station Hotel renewal project | Tokyo | Approx. 20,800m² / 150 rooms |
East Japan Railway Company | Hotel R-Metz Utsunomiya conversion project | Tochigi | Approx. 10,000m² / 158 rooms |
Real estate fund | Business hotel renewal project | Fukuoka | Approx. 13,300m² / 162 rooms |
Real estate fund | Business hotel renewal project | Niigata | Approx. 6,200m² / 64 rooms |
Hotel management company | City hotel preparing repair plan | Kanagawa | Approx. 69,000m² / approx. 400 rooms |
Hotels and Lodging Facilities Resort Hotel and Ryokan
Hotels and Lodging Facilities Resort Hotel and Ryokan Projects
Client | Project Summary | Location | Project Scale |
Hoshino Resorts Tomamu | Risonare Tomamu renewal project | Hokkaido | Approx. 40,000m² / 200 rooms |
Bandai Resort Development Corporation | Bandaisan Onsen Hotel renewal project | Fukushima | Approx. 1,500m²/152 rooms (Remodeled areas) |
Real estate company | Resort hotel new construction project (in progress) | Shizuoka | Approx. 3,800m² / 50 rooms |
Hoshino Resort Co., Ltd. | Kai Izumo renewal project | Shimane | Approx. 4,900m² / 24rooms |
Real estate operating company | Preparing a 5-year upgrading plan for 9 resort hotels and ryokans | Nationwide | - |
[Hotels and Other Lodging Facilities] New Construction / Renewal Project Management
Our engineers, who are experts in lodging facility projects, perform project management of lodging facility new construction and upgrading from our client's perspective. We provide one-stop service, including everything from delivering the basic concept and basic plans to procurement design, and construction with FFE managemen

[Hotels and Other Lodging Facilities] FFE&OSE Management
As the representative of the client, we manage the procurement of furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Aiming at achieving rational and fair prices, we clarify the client's requirements, improve the quality, appropriately manage budgets and schedules, carry out timely ordering, and ensure the transparency of the processes. We conduct centralized control of the many work categories and multiple vendors, lightening the burden on our clients.

[Hotels and Other Lodging Facilities] Seismic Retrofitting Management (revision of the Act for Promotion of Renovation for Earthquake-Resistant Structures)
In 2013, the Act for Promotion of Renovation for Earthquake-Resistant Structures was revised, requiring seismic diagnoses and public release of the results for hotels and lodging facilities (*1) by the end of 2015. We manage the process from seismic diagnosis to retrofitting plan development and execution, and support the creation of a retrofitting plan that will not impact the hotel operation.
(*1. Applies to those buildings started prior to May 31, 1981 which are 3 stories or higher with more than 5,000m² of floor area)

[Hotels and Other Lodging Facilities] Delivering Engineering Report and Repair Plans
We inspect deteriorated and obsolete buildings of lodging facilities and prepare repair plans. Sudden malfunctioning or repair work of old facilities require time and cost, and occasionally can result in accidents. Our specialized building construction and equipment engineers prepare medium to long term repair plans based on inspections, preventing the planned repairs from causing accidents, and propose leveling of repair costs to support stable operation of lodging facilities.