Message from the CEO

Meiho Facility Works Ltd. Yoshi Onuki / Chief Executive Officer Meiho Facility Works has corporate philosophy of "fairness and transparency” and provides CM (Construction Management) = client support business as "professionals who stands on the customer's side".

The world is in a period of major change, with global warming, changes in the international circumstance and price volatility; we believe that society will seek greater trust and transparency as it searches for a brighter future. Our mission is, through our CM business, to “contribute to creating the foundation for transparency that society demands”.

We provide highly valued CM services to various public and private facilities and offices, as well as work style reform projects. In addition, working on environmental initiatives such as decarbonization and ensuring accountability for overall project results are included in our important achievement criteria.

As professionals, we thoroughly understand customer needs and estimate project risks to provide high quality service and utilize our digital capability to improve the accuracy and speed of project management.

We will aim for further growth by increasing the social significance of CM and steadily build up the trust of our customers by continuing to work closely with them.

Yoshi Onuki
Chief Executive Officer